[DJI-log-discuss] Wrong handling in RECOVER Record

Chris christian at ullihome.de
Sun Jan 19 06:46:34 PST 2020

Great work Ross,

And also Thanks Daniel for the Information. I think my english is too 
bad to completely get it.

Daniel is it completely possible to implement an handler to generate the 
key on the fly with the information you gave ?

I have tried to make an implementation based of an crc64 function in 
december but dont was able to recover all parameters to the gtekey 
function completely.

best regards and happy new year to all


Am 19.01.20 um 14:03 schrieb Ross Finlayson:
> FYI, the latest version (2020-01-19) of the “djiparsetxt” code also improves the processing of RECOVER records, as a result of Christian’s feedback on December 20th.
> Ross Finlayson
> Live Networks, Inc.
> http://www.live555.com/

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